The Long Discourses Of The Buddha Epub Format
Long Discourses ( Dīgha Nikāya ), Bhikkhu Sujato Middle Discourses ( Majjhima. SuttaCentral exists to present the Buddhist texts, not people's opinions about the. Mobi (Kindle) and ePub are the most common e-book formats, the Calibre. Teachings of the Buddha has 2 entries in the series OverDrive (Rakuten OverDrive) Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and videos from thousands of public libraries worldwide.
Mulapariyaya Sutta Pdf
EBOOK SYNOPSIS:Gautama’s ideas went against the established beliefs of centuries. His teachings did not rely on the idea of a Supreme God or gods who could rescue humanity from its sorrows; instead he believed that nirvana lay within each person; and could be achieved by following the right path. Even though he was one of the most influential men who ever walked the earth; very little is known about the life of Siddhartha Gautama; the man we call the Buddha. His teachings were followed for 1;500 years in India; and became the guiding principles of life for both rich and poor; high born and lower caste. Today; the religion he founded is followed all over the world. Here is the fascinating story of his life—from his youth as a privileged prince to his renunciation and attainment of nirvana; how his teachings changed all those who came in contact with him; and the story of the tumultuous lives of people and kingdoms in ancient India. Setedit hd serial. EBOOK SYNOPSIS:The present work consists of seven chapters that deal with the Bodhisattva doctrine as expounded in the principal Buddhist Sanskrit Literature.
The Long Discourses Of The Buddha Epub Format Pdf
Chapter 1 describes the nature of the Bodhisattva doctrine with particular stress on the distinct chatacteristics of arhat, Bodhisattva and sravaka. Chapter II recounts the different factors including the influence Persian religio-cult, Greek art and Christian ethics that contributed to the rise and growth of the Boddhisattva doctrine. Chapter III expounds the production of the thought of Enlightenment for the welfare and liberation of all creatures. Chapters IV describes thirty-seven practices and principles conducive to the attainment of Enlightenment. Chapter V expalins the ten perfections that lead to welfare, rebirth, serenity, spiritual cultivation, and supreme knowledge. Chapter VI states different stages of spiritual progress in the aspirant`s long journey to the goal of final emancipation and Chapter VII relates the events of the Gautama Buddha`s past lives as Bodhisattva.

The book contains comprehensive notes and references besides a general index appended at the end. It is written in a very lucid style that speaks of the writer`s scholarly acumen and mastry of literary art.