Download Software Img2gps
To clarify -The internal memory of the older generation Garmin units does NOT appear as a mass storage device, and therefore will not appear as such if you attempt to 'explore' it. That feature did not occur until the old Colorado units started to appear on the market.Access to internal memory of the older units must be accomplished through an application (e.g., Mapsource, Basecamp) that can communicate with the unit over its proprietary link. That is true for loading maps, caches and any other I/O activity with these units. Edited June 21, 2015 by ecanderson. Exactly, as this states in the FAQSome Garmin outdoor handheld devices can be put into USB mass storage mode, turning the device into a card reader and allowing an inserted microSD card to be read by a computer. This card reader provides the ability to install detailed mapping to the device, in addition it provides the ability to locate active tracks that have been archived to the card.
While in mass storage mode, these files can be viewed on the computer. However, there is no access to any data stored on the device itself while in this mode. Sorry about the delay in replying to the recent posts; unfortunately I have been having some problem with my pc. Anyway back on line now and I would like to thank all the people that replied, I understand a lot better now. I have installed Basecamp (Mapsource requires me to own a product). I want to install a free map on my Garmin Etrex Vista Cx.

A complete, up-to-date source for free GPS software. IMG2GPS is a Windows GUI for the SendMap/Sendmap20 DOS application. Track-Album allows you to download GPS tracks and view them in 3D in Google Earth. Download IMG2GPS. Transfer Map file to GPS fast and easy. IMG2GPS is a handy piece of software for all Garmin GPS owners who wish to keep their map files up to date. It boasts an intuitive. Transparent Garmin maps. With thanks to: Dirk Dusee and Rudolf of Maastricht The writer and makers of this Article are not responsible for possible errors. April 2009: There is a new program to make maps transparent: Gmaptool USE AT OWN RISK. Juni 2009: In the oregon and dakota, maps can already use routing of the map beneath.
I have the img file. I can't see how this can be done with Basecamp as reading the instructions it would seem that Basecamp does not allow this, unless I am missing something. Can anyone enlighten me?Trawling around the internet and this forum and came across Mapset Toolkit and i wondered whether this may help in my situation. It looks interesting but I am loath to download it as I have seen mention that it may not be safe, also it has not had any work done on it for some time. Any comments would be welcome.Thanks. Eventually got the map on my GPS (It's a pretty crap map - but that's another story).I tried creating a folder named Garmin under the SD Card and simply copying the img file onto the card, but unfortunately this did not work or I did something wrong.I then used img2gps to load the file onto the GPS.
I had to try a few settings but eventually got it going directly through the Garmin interface (boy is that slow).By the way the link to img2gps did not work. I downloaded from I need to do now is find a better UK mapThanks very much for all your help.'
@context': 'DiscussionForumPosting','url': 'Garmin Etrex vista cx directories not seen on Windows 7','headline': 'Garmin Etrex vista cx directories not seen on Windows 7','text': 'First the things that work:nMy GPS Etrex Vista cx works fine and I can download.gpx files to it and have them recognised OK by the device.nI.
If you need to convert files in linux, you can install gps babel. Thats about as far as i got using linux with my 60cx.

I have put the 60cx into USB mass storage mode and can see it in linux, now if only garmin would add waypoint ability off the data card, I would be happy.also there is other software to upload your maps other than mapsource, and you can make your own maps or upload the ones you bought form garmin. I've used img2gps more than once to upload my maps, though never in linux. Edited September 14, 2006 by hogrod. Go over to the GSAK forums at where there is a discussion on running GSAK under Linux. Also some generic information about using Wine to run other Windoze applications under Linux.I have GSAK running with Wine under Ubuntu and uploading to my GPS60 over the serial cable. USB is a problem for Babel and Garmin because of a USB driver.
Not running any map programs like Streets and Trips because I have no need for it on that machine.I am able to download my.gpx files from, import them to GSAK and load my GPS all without Windoze. Life is good. Sorry about not getting back to this discussion. But I work two jobs and life has been a bit hectic the past couple of days. I am currently using a Lowrance iWay 100.
Not for caching however; I only use it to navigate to and from destinations. I used to have a Magellan Meridian Gold - which I terribly miss - until my caching buddy absent-mindedly left it on the roof of my car. (oops.)For caching I share my buddy's Etrex Legend.The type of software I was concerned about the most was waypoint software, like GSAK. But, I was hoping that I would be able to find a program like Maptech with topo maps for any given area.Also, if anybody has any hints as to compiling and installing the software on it would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried to compile and install programs many times in UBUNTU but with no success. I generally use the sudo apt-get install command. That doesn't help though when the program you want is not in any of your software repositories.Thanks. USB is fine for GPSBabel under either Linux OR Windows. USB is a problem for Wine.:-)Correct. I was not clear enough.

My comment referred to running GSAK under Wine but did not say so explicitly. 'Problem' was not the right word either. I should have simply said; 'USB upload to my Garmin by GSAK/Babel under Linux/Wine is the only feature I have do not have working' That would have been more accurate as I was not intending to specify why the feature did not work. Edited September 15, 2006 by two left feet.
Hi,I'm a linux user too but have relinquished myself to running an older laptop with Windows 2000 so I can make use of the Mapping software. I've tried unsuccessfully to run it in Codeweavers Crossover Office and have not had any luck with wine.You could always wait until Garmin releases it for the MAC later this year and buy new hardware and software LOL.p.s. I'm talking about Garmin's Mapsource program which is the only software you can use to load maps.Tried Vmplayer with a install of Windows XP? Might allow you to only have one laptop.
FYI, I just saw this thread and thought I should mention I've recently started an opensource project for geocaching software which works on linux (actually, that's where I develop it). It should work on windows/mac too but I havent' tested it there (anyone wanna give it a go? Let me know).It's very new but is already quite powerufl and fast (database oriented for fast searches). Right now it's all command line based and I wouldn't quite trust your data to it for another couple of weeks till I get the schema to where I want it to go. However, I'd love opinions on it and desired features if you're looking for geocaching software on linux, unix or any platform that is.(it's perl based. It should work anywhere).
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You could always download vmware server for free, and run windows in that.then you've got windows only when you want it!Another alternative to VMWare is QEMUI just got done building QEMU (with KQEMU acceleration), so if I get a chance this weekend, I'll try building a windoze vm and run mapsource, see how it works. I don't know if I'm gonna have time though.KQEMU is a binary only accelerator that improves runtime speed. There is an opensource alternate, but I don't remember it at off the top of my head.If you use gentoo, just emerge -vp qemu (make sure you have the kqemu use flag enabled to get the binary only accelerator).I plan on one day trying all the opensource linux native stuff listed here. It's really cool to see things like this.
Garmin Maps
I am able to download my.gpx files from, import them to GSAK and load my GPS all without Windoze. Life is good.But do you use any maps such as Topo or City Navigator?? You're going to need windows for thatWhy would you need windoze for that (at least for serial units)?sendmap20 runs on linux. I use MapSource as little as possible, even on my windoze boxen.Over time the wine users may start having more success running MapSource under wine. For more info, bookmark this one and check back every once in a while.